316 Uncoated and Coated Stainless Steel Band
Superior corrosion resistance in typical atmospheres and fresh water.
Available with halogen free coating (PPA 571) for additional corrosion
resistance and smoother edges. 100 Ft. Per Roll (30.5M). Application Tools
for uncoated band: C00169, C00369, C07569, C08569, and C40099. Application
Tools for coated band: C07569, C08569, and C40099.
317L Stainless Steel Band
Superior corrosion resistance in industrial and marine
atmospheres, salt water, and mild chemicals. 300 Ft. Per Roll (91.5M).
Application Tools: C00169, C00369, and C40069.
Monel® 400 Band
Superior corrosion resistance in marine, salt water, and harsh chemical
environments. 100 Ft. Per Roll (30.5M). Application Tools: C00169, C00369,
and C40069.